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I stand for inclusivity, diversity, and active antiracism in our schools. Recognizing injustice and celebrating differences lifts all of us up and helps lead to more active citizenship and civic engagement at this time when it is most necessary. It is imperative that students of all backgrounds feel safe and supported expressing all aspects of their identities. We must work harder to recruit and retain staff that reflect the diversity of our student body. We must consider de-leveling classes at the high school level and ensure that all students, regardless of ability, can learn alongside one another in the same classroom. We must continue to support the new Diversity Councils at our schools and work to make them integral parts of each school community. We have many active and engaged students at the middle and high school level who are working together to advocate for their needs. The School Committee and WPS administration must include the voices of the students in this work.
I know how challenging it has been at every turn for the families and students of Watertown during the COVID-19 pandemic, and I have been amazed at the fortitude and creativity shown by WPS teachers and leadership. This upcoming school year will require teachers and students to work overtime to regain equilibrium after the incredible disruptions and collective trauma caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. We must take time to reflect on the things we learned from this experience and apply our new knowledge to strengthen our district's ability to reach all learners, and support our students as they transition back to school.
It is no secret that WPS loses students in the upper grades. While there is only anecdotal evidence as to why this is, I want to explore the reasons why families choose to leave the district. I will encourage the district to engage with families and use data to diagnose and address the issues. My goal for Watertown is to ensure that the community and commitment to rigorous, equitable instruction in the elementary schools continues throughout Middle and High School.
Having worked in Special Education for almost 20 years, I would be uniquely positioned on the School Committee to be an advocate for students who receive support services. I am committed to ensuring all students receive high quality, research-based, individualized supports in the least restrictive environment. I will advocate for, and promote rigorous use of, Multi-Tiered Systems of Support at all levels, implementation of Universal Design for Learning, and an unwavering commitment to inclusion.
High quality early-childhood education is one of the most important predictors of future success for all children and families. Children who get an early start in Pre-K benefit from socialization and support, and families who have access to Pre-K have more options to participate in the workforce. There is a movement to expand universal Pre-K nationwide, and if elected, I will work to position Watertown at the forefront of this movement..
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